Thursday, November 11, 2010

11月13日 家庭作业 Homework of Nov 13, 2010

Nov. 13th, 2010       

家庭作业   Homework:

1 完成练习册B第四课所有练习。Finish all the exercises of Lesson 4 in Exercise Book B.

2.    复习第四课单词,准备下次上课的单词测验。 Review all the new words of lesson 4 and   prepare for the word quiz next class.

3.练习唱歌‘恭喜恭喜’,准备下个星期的中文歌曲竞赛。Practice singing the song ‘congratulations to you’ and prepare for the Chinese Song Competition next week.

4. Go to the blog ‘我们一起学中文, your online Chinese classroom’ You can find the videos of the song, all the contents learned in the class and the homework there. Please go through the blog and make a comment of the post ‘生肖 Chinese Zodiac’.

Review of Lesson 4

讲礼貌        Practice Good Manners

谢谢                            thank you
对不起                        sorry
没关系                        it doesn’t matter
再见                            goodbye
                                be, become, make
孩子                            child

The children need to behave in good manners.

Friday, November 5, 2010


11月6日 家庭作业 Homework of Nov 6, 2010

Nov. 6th, 2010       

家庭作业   Homework:

1.        复习前三课的字词和所有练习,准备下个星期的单元测试。Review the words learned in   first three lessons and all the exercises. Prepare for the test of the unit.

2.        完成练习册B,16-21页的练习。Finish the exercises from page 16-21 in the exercise book B.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

10月30日 家庭作业 Homework of Oct 30, 2010

Oct. 30th, 2010       

家庭作业   Homework:

1.        复习第三课的生字词,准备下个星期的单词默写。Review the words learned in Lesson 3 and prepare for the word quiz.

2.        完成课本2223页的综合练习(一)。Finish all the exercises of Review 1 on page 22 and 23.

中国传统食物 Traditional Chinese Food


China is famous for its food and here are the foods we learned in the class.

元宵  (yuan xiao)
Rice Glue Ball

月饼 (yue bing)
Moon Cake

粽子 (zong zi)
Rice Dumpling

面条(mian tiao)

饺子 (jiao zi)



We have been learning the song 'Congratulations to You!' in these weeks and do you like it? Here is the video we watched in the class. Please do some practices if you have time. Hope we would get a good result in this competition.